Category: New Age thinking
Brain Waves Goodbye
When you are relaxed, your brain produces “Alpha” brain waves — electrical signals that pulse at roughly 8-12 cycles per second. When you’re more alert, your brain spits out Beta waves (13-40 cycles per second)… Dreaming? Theta at 4-7. Deep, dreamless sleep – 1-4 cycles. Okay, now follow the math on this one: If I…
You don’t deserve your rights
I’m trying an experiment on this post. I’ll suggest a concept, and you tell me what you think about it. Here we go: You do NOT deserve… anything And, you do not have ANY rights Needless to say, I think those two statements are true. Tell me what you think (and why) and, if necessary,…
Physics Schmysics!
Okay, I’m only going to say this one time (though I may repeat myself and/or be redundant): Quantum Physics has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to say about ANYTHING OTHER THAN QUANTUM PHYSICS And even then, what it “says” is often hotly debated. Quantum Physics provides no insight into: human psychology religious philosophy new age theory getting what…
You can have ANYTHING you want… NOT!
I’ve tried, I’ve really tried. I’ve tried to be removed from every mailing list that sends me emails which make me scream. I’ve even set up filters to automatically trash email that comes in with subject lines that make my blood turn into liquid nitrogen at room temperature (a.k.a. “boil”). But, like messages that will…
I’m all blocked up…
After getting the umpteenth email about how to eliminate the blocks in my life, I am here to inform you that: You do not have BLOCKS! That’s right, absolutely NO BLOCKS to success, weight-loss, health, millions of dollars, your soul-mate, the perfect home, the ideal pet, winning the lottery, finding a parking space, working 4-hours…
Develop a New Habit? Give me 21 days, and I’ll give you… three weeks
Even though I stopped buying self-help and spiritual books a long time ago, there seems to be no escape. Even non-spiritual and non-self-help books can’t seem to avoid repeating New Age nonsense. This morning I was reading a book about stretching for athletes. Pretty not-New Age-y, don’t you think? But, over and over, time and…
What me spiritual?
A recent survey revealed that a LARGE percentage of Americans don’t think of themselves as religious, but do identify themselves as “spiritual.” When I heard this, my first question was, “What’s the diff?” Okay, if you’re spiritual you don’t go to a mainstream church or synagogue or mosque… though, ironically, you may spend as much…