Category: the secret
Sitting in a room all alone
For years, I’ve had a fantasy about being able to write a SHORT blog post. Well, today is that day! I just saw an ad for a Law of Attraction workshop, and all I could think was: If the LOA REALLY worked, then why would the guy need to advertise? If he REALLY believed in…
How to be successful in anything… finally, the truth revealed!
From the “I couldn’t have said it better myself” department comes the following, thanks to Saturday Night Live. While this video is about manifesting a particular goal — picking up women — I’m sure you’ll see how to apply this to whatever you’re trying to get. For extra credit, fill in the blanks: To become…
Attractive ways to attract attraction-attracting attractiveness
It’s getting worse. When I last wrote about “attraction,” I was getting maybe 3-4 emails a week telling me how I could attract whatever it was I wanted — sex, money, sexy money. Now it’s 3-4 per DAY. Clearly, I’m attracting these emails. Otherwise why would they show up in my inbox? It must be…
Shoot me. Shoot me now! Why? It’s beyond a secret.
Let me sum up the following post in one word: AAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! If you can’t figure out from incisive and condensed comment what I’m talking about, I’ll elaborate (but only a bit, because I’m low on oxygen from screaming at the top of my lungs for the last 5 minutes). I’ve said before that the surest…
Okay, Oprah, let’s settle this once and for all…
Have questions or having trouble manipulating the atoms in the universe with your thoughts? Well, Oprah feels your pain and is going to do a show just for people like you. But rather than merely attracting guests by seeing, believing and receiving, she’s actively soliciting people who, for some reason, can’t make the UNIVERSAL LAW…
Hoping to be a successhole
I’m on a linguistic role. Here’s my new submission for addition into the lexicon: Successhole (suc·cess·hole; pronounciation: \sÉ™k-ˈses-(h)Ål\). noun. A person who, upon achieving some dramatic change in status or income makes it abundantly clear that s/he thinks this change is primarily a result of her/his actions and discounts the role of luck, chance, and…